What is a Loving Culture?

You’ll only see this word on the speaker page of my website, so I’m taking a bit of (what feels like) a risk and letting it come through here. 

What’s the word? 


And it is the core of what I do. 

I help to create loving cultures.

There, I said it! 

The word “love” can be scary though. It’s personal, it can be perceived as “soft.” 

You work with businesses, so what pain point does it address?What are the business outcomes?

These are important questions that I’ve had to ask myself to create a comprehensive and authentic marketing message, and there is certainly value in translating “Love” to something more approachable. 

Underneath it all though? Love.

What does it mean to have a loving culture? The answer is different for everyone.

To me, it means:

· Listening to one another

· Looking for ways to support each other

· Bringing out the best in one another

· Empathizing with those around us

· Being fully present with one another

· Experiencing the joy of creating and collaborating with one another

· Noticing our own mindset/behaviors and the impact that it has on ourselves and those around us.

What I enjoy about improv is that it gives us a vehicle for trying out these behaviors in a fun way. Improv is all about listening, supporting one another, stepping into someone else’s shoes, being present, and collaborating with one another, creating something we never would have created on our own.  

What would a loving culture look like to you?

Please share in the comments!

If you are looking to up the love within your team, let’s chat!

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